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Breakup/exams/uni help

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So my boyfriend and I have been together just under 2 and a half years. I just broke up with him because I'm sick of him putting me last after everything. Recently he prioritises games and his friends over me, it was never like this before. I do absolutely everything for him. When were together it's great, we talk about plans to move out uni together (in 6 months) and I just feel like he doesn't care as much as I do. He promises me he will try harder to pass his exams (last year he failed them all) to get into uni, if he doesn't pass then our plans can't go ahead. But he's not taken 5 minutes off of his game to revise (for an exam in 5 days!) and he talks to his friends 25/7 via Skype, FB, phone, text ect but when I send him a message it takes him forever to reply if he does. I feel he takes me for granted, all I ever do is wait around for him, I don't go out with friends or anything, just wait for him..
He said a while ago that f he ever lost me he would do whatever it took to get me back. Yet when we have arguments and break up he just puts me down and makes me cry and he's emotionless..
I need help on whether to fix this with him, wait to see if he does try to do anything to get me back and show me he cares and start sticking to promises, or just leave the relationship all together. He's my only decent friend, the only person I trust and I don't really have much to call family. I didn't have a childhood and he is the only person who knows everything about me and what I've been through. I have no one and I feel like I can't do anything on my own. I suffer from bad anxiety and I feel like I'm going to get no where in life without him. I've never imagined life with out him, I can't imagine it without him..
Can I have some advice on what to do, I love him and don't want to lose him but I feel like trying so hard and getting no where and hanging onto empty promises is going to get me hurt even more.
Sorry it's so long!


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