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Girls, can you orgasm by penetration?

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All the movies, books, TV programmes etc have you believe that it's a common thing, to be able to orgasm through penetration alone. And if you can't orgasm by penetration, then you're a minority.

But I swear, in recent years people are being more open in disclosing that, this is not the most common way to orgasm. And in fact, some say that it's not even that common. I never have, and none of my (close) friends have either. So I thought I'd ask the women of TSR, be honest, can you come by penetration?

I've been wanting to ask this a while, out of curiosity. But female orgasm/ masturbation etc always seem that much more taboo than males discussing the issue. It always seems that much more "rude". But curiosity is getting the better of me!


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