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Never been in a relationship and feeling lonely:(

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I'm a 16 year old girl and I have never had a boyfriend and have never been kissed. I have been 'liked' by a couple of guys in my school in my final year as they have tried to ask me out and that but I feel that they're not really my type and I don't like them in that way. All my friends have had boyfriends and have all had at least 1 kiss... whenever I'm with them I pretend that I have had my first kiss because I find it embarrassing. I don't think I'm altogether ugly or unattractive because I've been called pretty loads of times (not just by my parents either) and I'm always pleasant when I talk to people, which I believe is important in order to be attractive to someone. I have had a lot of self confidence issues but that must be better than being extremely arrogant!
I feel so lonely too... I regularly argue with my mom and sometimes my dad and my sister is moving out soon. I'm not in any hurry to have my first kiss just to be able to brag about it but I want someone who will love me, accept my imperfections and I can talk to. All my cousins who are around the same age as me and my older cousins are in or have recently been in a relationship. My sister when she was my age had already been in about 2 long term relationships.
I try not to worry about it too much because obviously there is much more important stuff than my need for love. Nevertheless it has really been getting to me lately:(
But seriously... what should I do? How did you meet your partners? How do I stop the loneliness and jealousy when I see all my friends in relationships and talking about who they've kissed? I'm sorry for this post >.< but thanks guys!


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