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How to connect with women properly before judging them?

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I have a tendency to judge girls too easily and quickly, based on their outward behavior. Girls who don't come across as extremely intelligent or fascinating usually tend to fall pretty quickly in the friend-zone.

However, I am getting tired of my self inflicted singledom and being such a judgemental jack-ass. I would like to be able to connect with women more and on a deeper level, so I can get to really know who they are on the inside and what their true qualities are.

It doesn't help that many women state their interests as just "socialising" and "hanging out with friend", hence not giving me much to play with.

How do I go about doing this though? This is something I really suck at. I think I suck at wanting to connect with others in general and this gets transposed into dating as well.

Please help.


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