Hellllooooooo fellow TSRians!
I'll get to it and tell you my back story.
I am 18 years old an I've never kissed someone let alone been in a relationship or had sex. I can even count on one hand the times I've had physical contact with a guy, and I mean hugs! Obviously that doesn't include my dad or grandad. I'm going to university in September (fingers crossed) and it just suddenly hit me that I've missed out on classic teenage growing up. Does anyone else feel the same? It dawned on me that I never got to have those girlie talks with friends, ooh and ahh at sleepovers over things. I've been at the sleepovers of course but I never truly got to take part. I'm just feeling kind of down at the moment because it's not like I didn't want to become close with someone so I'm of the mind that no one wanted to. As I said I'm hopefully off to uni in September and I'm going to be that one that has done nothing remotely 'normal' and although people will probably say that it's still normal, I can't stress enough that I WANT(ED) to. It's not some female empower ment thing, pfft I wish! Plus what's scaring me with uni is that if it appears no guy wanted become closer to me then what's to stop that from continuing?
I can't be alone here can I?! I like to think I'm fairly outgoing and am likeable- I have a good amount of female friends but barely any guys anymore and even when they were there is was just mild friendship. It's the past year that it's really hit me and watching all my friends move their relationships to a more serious level as year and two year anniversaries go by makes it worst!
This really isn't a plea for sympathy by the way, I'm just looking for some advice from people who have been though similar. A chat with others in the same situation would be nice too :)
Put the internet to work for you.
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