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Relationship with a Muslim Girl -_-

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I know there are loads of threads on this topic already, but I wasn't really helped so I've decided to start one myself.

I'm a 20 year old, white non-Muslim male, and I want to be in a relationship with a Muslim girl. She wants to be in a relationship with me as well. The thing is, we don't want this relationship to be in "secret" because we're both worried about what her parents would do to her if they were to find out. She seems to have quite conserved parents, they don't like her going out to even just meet friends and she always has to be home by a certain time. Overprotective? Maybe. But I think she needs to make a stand, but she doesn't want to.

Basically, I want her to mention me to her parents and I want them to accept me. But she's too afraid to mention it, because they're apparently really strict and she thinks that merely mentioning me would result in her being taken off her Uni course, and forced to marry the first undeserving guy that her parents see fit. I can't accept that; I'm not even going to try to because I know I will never be able to. I know she isn't accepting it either, but she doesn't want to go against her parents. I know that her parents won't accept it at first, but surely they wouldn't just pull her off her course by just mentioning it, and maybe they would come around eventually?

It isn't even religion, it's the culture of which her parents were brought up into. Obviously I have my own beliefs, but this part of the culture is just wrong. We both have fairly strong feelings for each other, and are only not in a relationship because of what her parents "might" do. I can't accept not being with her just because of an old fashioned culture from a different country (without sounding racist, or whatever). Neither of us know what to do. I can't just sit here and let her slip away from me, but I don't want her to get any punishment because of me.

Any help would be appreciated, I definitely need it. I feel lost, helpless, hopeless.


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