Hi, I am new here. Sorry this is sooo long.
My story 12 years of knowing each other, 11 years married. We met in the military. Spent four months together before we were sent to different posts.
Over the next 14 months we saw each other twice. The second time we got married and then immediately returned back to our separate duty assignments. Saw each other 7 months later, I got pregnant.
Finally, a month before our first child we were geographically together in an apartment. I got out of the military. Over the next 3 years we spent more time apart than together (deployments, training, etc..). We had 2 more kids in that time. He eventually got out of the military 7 years ago.
Fast forward to today, 3 kids under 10. I am a part-time student/ SAHM. He commutes to a job that is in a city 2 hours away, one way (on a good traffic day). His job also requires him to travel about 35-40% of the time. Sometimes he is gone for 1 week, sometimes 3 weeks or more at a time.
The problems that I have with our relationship:
-His responsibility- work. My responsibilities: everything else I am basically a single mom...kids- activities, meals, bath, school functions; cleaning up after everyone, including him; domestic duties- laundry, cooking, cleaning, groceries; finances; planning anything and everything.
-He comes home and within 10 minutes is on the computer or watching TV. So when he is present, 85% of the time it is usually just in a physical sense.
-The way he talks to the kids sometimes. Sarcastic, annoyed and sometimes downright mean. "What are you, mental?" "Why would you do that?! That was genius!"
-When he travels away from home he doesn't even ask to talk to the kids on the phone. I usually have to initiate that.
-We disagree on childrearing. He likes to yell in between commercials and while surfing the web, rather than coming up with a meaningful consequence to bad behavior. I think it's just easier to yell. I have now picked up on the bad habit of yelling too. But recognize it and constantly try to improve.
-We disagree on what to do about our living situation. At this point I want to stay in the school district (a couple years ago I wanted to move closer to his work) but I want out of our house, it's too small and old and costing us a ton to keep up with repairs. He makes enough money that we could cut our losses and get out of here. All the money we sink into this place over the years we will never see back in home value. But he wants to wait a few more years before we try to sell again because we won't make any money selling it right now, so he says.
-Pent up resentment. When the kids were younger dealing with three kids in the bath and at bedtime while he hung out kicked back in the recliner. When he travelled and I had 3 sick kids and he never asked how we were doing. The time that the car was over-heating and he never called to see if we even made it home (He figured I'd call if there was a problem). These are just examples there are many more And I just keep hanging on to it.
The good of it:
-He does try. He does. But it usually happens after a huge blow-out and then fades away. And when he travels it always throws us off course too. I see him trying to spend a little more time with the kids. I see him when he tries to not yell. I see him throwing a load of laundry in on occassion (when it's so piled up he has no socks left, lol) I try to acknowledge it and let him know I appreciate it.
-He is still affectionate towards me. Sex maybe 1-2X a week. Although 80% is just me agreeing and going through the motions. But he really is still attracted to me physically and lets me know.
-He always tells me he loves me. He doesn't have a problem with me, except that I get upset with him.
In his defense I know he is exhausted daily. But he refused to move closer to his job. He doesn't want to move to the congested city, he didn't want the kids to leave their friends (puhhlease, they were under 5 when we considered moving the first time). He cannot find a comparable job in this area and never will. I pushed to buy this house before we knew about the job he is at now (with the long commute). He wanted to rent and if that were the case we would have moved immediately, since there wouldn't have been a house to sell and he didn't come to hate the area he works yet. But like I said he doesn't want to move to where he works now (or out of the house at all, as I mentioned earlier).
I feel like I let some of this happen. I was and still am very controlling when it comes to the kids. But I don't like the way he handles things, it's too stressful to hear him yelling and getting mad and being mean, so it's just easier if I handle it. Or he just makes bad decisions like letting them play outside unsupervised, etc
The plan is for me to finish school, get a job so he can quit his and go back to school on the GI bill and he hopes to get a job in this area. I will be done in a year.
So, is this a hopeless situation? We don't even have time for counseling. He is never home and when he is, he is too tired to go back out at night. We want this to work but have wondered whether we would be better off apart. But the finances and kids (they would be devastated) really keep us holding on. I think it's just too much work for either one of us to follow through with at this point. So we just keep going on with things
Thanks for reading and thanks for any feedback. If nothing else this is a nice venting session for me.
My story 12 years of knowing each other, 11 years married. We met in the military. Spent four months together before we were sent to different posts.
Over the next 14 months we saw each other twice. The second time we got married and then immediately returned back to our separate duty assignments. Saw each other 7 months later, I got pregnant.
Finally, a month before our first child we were geographically together in an apartment. I got out of the military. Over the next 3 years we spent more time apart than together (deployments, training, etc..). We had 2 more kids in that time. He eventually got out of the military 7 years ago.
Fast forward to today, 3 kids under 10. I am a part-time student/ SAHM. He commutes to a job that is in a city 2 hours away, one way (on a good traffic day). His job also requires him to travel about 35-40% of the time. Sometimes he is gone for 1 week, sometimes 3 weeks or more at a time.
The problems that I have with our relationship:
-His responsibility- work. My responsibilities: everything else I am basically a single mom...kids- activities, meals, bath, school functions; cleaning up after everyone, including him; domestic duties- laundry, cooking, cleaning, groceries; finances; planning anything and everything.
-He comes home and within 10 minutes is on the computer or watching TV. So when he is present, 85% of the time it is usually just in a physical sense.
-The way he talks to the kids sometimes. Sarcastic, annoyed and sometimes downright mean. "What are you, mental?" "Why would you do that?! That was genius!"
-When he travels away from home he doesn't even ask to talk to the kids on the phone. I usually have to initiate that.
-We disagree on childrearing. He likes to yell in between commercials and while surfing the web, rather than coming up with a meaningful consequence to bad behavior. I think it's just easier to yell. I have now picked up on the bad habit of yelling too. But recognize it and constantly try to improve.
-We disagree on what to do about our living situation. At this point I want to stay in the school district (a couple years ago I wanted to move closer to his work) but I want out of our house, it's too small and old and costing us a ton to keep up with repairs. He makes enough money that we could cut our losses and get out of here. All the money we sink into this place over the years we will never see back in home value. But he wants to wait a few more years before we try to sell again because we won't make any money selling it right now, so he says.
-Pent up resentment. When the kids were younger dealing with three kids in the bath and at bedtime while he hung out kicked back in the recliner. When he travelled and I had 3 sick kids and he never asked how we were doing. The time that the car was over-heating and he never called to see if we even made it home (He figured I'd call if there was a problem). These are just examples there are many more And I just keep hanging on to it.
The good of it:
-He does try. He does. But it usually happens after a huge blow-out and then fades away. And when he travels it always throws us off course too. I see him trying to spend a little more time with the kids. I see him when he tries to not yell. I see him throwing a load of laundry in on occassion (when it's so piled up he has no socks left, lol) I try to acknowledge it and let him know I appreciate it.
-He is still affectionate towards me. Sex maybe 1-2X a week. Although 80% is just me agreeing and going through the motions. But he really is still attracted to me physically and lets me know.
-He always tells me he loves me. He doesn't have a problem with me, except that I get upset with him.
In his defense I know he is exhausted daily. But he refused to move closer to his job. He doesn't want to move to the congested city, he didn't want the kids to leave their friends (puhhlease, they were under 5 when we considered moving the first time). He cannot find a comparable job in this area and never will. I pushed to buy this house before we knew about the job he is at now (with the long commute). He wanted to rent and if that were the case we would have moved immediately, since there wouldn't have been a house to sell and he didn't come to hate the area he works yet. But like I said he doesn't want to move to where he works now (or out of the house at all, as I mentioned earlier).
I feel like I let some of this happen. I was and still am very controlling when it comes to the kids. But I don't like the way he handles things, it's too stressful to hear him yelling and getting mad and being mean, so it's just easier if I handle it. Or he just makes bad decisions like letting them play outside unsupervised, etc
The plan is for me to finish school, get a job so he can quit his and go back to school on the GI bill and he hopes to get a job in this area. I will be done in a year.
So, is this a hopeless situation? We don't even have time for counseling. He is never home and when he is, he is too tired to go back out at night. We want this to work but have wondered whether we would be better off apart. But the finances and kids (they would be devastated) really keep us holding on. I think it's just too much work for either one of us to follow through with at this point. So we just keep going on with things
Thanks for reading and thanks for any feedback. If nothing else this is a nice venting session for me.
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