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New Girl - 2nd Date

I went out with a girl on the 5th, and had a great time. Kissed at the end of the night and following day i sent the txt. Had a great time and would like to meet up again. She said def lets get together soon. I said if she is free this saturday and she couldnt later on bc she was going to a bday party

Following week she was away on business... asked for that saturday - and she said she had plans to do this pub crawl.. considering on bailing and get back to me.

She didnt get back to me, but we ran into each other and spoke for like a minute. She txt'd me later where are you? then later on =( then later on =(

Past 2 weekends she txt'd me in the middle of the night on saturday after the bars closed.

So we agreed to meet up tonight and she canceled. This is the convo

asked her last night if she likes sushi
and she responded today.... I do like sushi! ugh i may have to reschedule im swaped at work tonight and need to get something to my boss by tomorrow morning

i responded ok ill cancel reservation ty for letting me know .Let me know if you can, if not let me know when you can get together again.

she responded okay! its gna be a late night at work but im pretty much free except this saturday and im not traveling until oct 14th

I responded, ok ill get back to you.

Is this girl jerking me around? or should i keep doing this?

things to note:

she gave the impression on first date, that she disapproved her friend/roommate sleeping with 10 guys this summer. Summer house roommates had sex in shower and she was disgusted, also one of the guys left condom wrappers and a used condom in her bag..

Later we talked about my roommate went out on 3x dates with 3 different women. and she goes what if he really likes one of them... I responded well i guess he will cancel the other ones.

So I dont think she is sleeping around, or dating a ton of people

she is gorgeous and absolutely stunning. Took me a year to ask her out.


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