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Setting goals

Hopefully this helps someone. This is my method for coping with the pain that comes with Dday.

In the beginning I allowed myself to grieve, but after some time I saw that I was simply grieving without need. I was prolonging the pain because I had allowed the rest of my life to go without focus. All of my focus was on the A my W and the OM. I needed to shift focus to get out of the hole I was digging myself into.

The plan. I set some lofty goals, and a plan for each. The goals were all multi purpose and all in some way related to the A but things that would be good to focus on even if the A never happened.

My goals as an example. Yours may differ.
1. Completely out of debt. All debts including the house paid off.
10% done so far.
2. Do the 300 workout in under 20 minutes. I don't recommend attempting this unless you are in great shape.
At 26 minutes now.
3. Start my old hobbies back up. Remember the things I used to enjoy before getting married.
This one still hasn't been done. It's not forgotten though.
4. Complete new image. New clothes hair etc.
About 25% there. Still a lot to do.
5. Double my income.
My income is already double the average for my area, so this goal requires a lot. I will need a functioning business. I'm getting my ducks in a row for it, and should see progress soon.

I work on all of these things as much as I can. The idea is simple. It gives me new focus. She has a better H if she stays, and if she cheats again it'll be that much easier to simply walk away. I remember the pain of dday all too well. I will never feel like that again. I hope this helps someone else the way it helped me.

Put the internet to work for you. via Personal Recipe 2629979

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