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Proud Of Myself Exposing a Cheater.

Thank you to Weightlifter for the VAR advice posted here, I needed the VAR lastnight!!!

As most regulars here will know my story it is like many others of betrayal, my wife is away again for no less than 3 weeks, tough going but friends support has been great comfort, so I went to a BBQ last night with friends and enjoyed it up to a point, that point being where a great guys GF who had a little too much to drink tried to come on to me, holy smokes!!!

I brushed her off and actually felt quite flattered but then sloped off and kept a distance from her, until she cornered me in the bathroom and told me if I didn't do what she wanted she would tell everyone "I" came on to her, psycho hose beast!!!

Knowing this was going to end badly one way or another I used my brain and told her I would but not without protection, the rest of the gang were in the pool house at this point and I told her I would go home to get rubbers, I did go home and came back but not with rubbers but the VAR in my pocket, she wanted it straight off the bat but I kept her talking and asked the right questions for her to answer in showing her actions as a predator, the best was "would you have really told everyone I came on to you if I didn't do this" she replied with not just a "yes" but with "why would any of them suspect me of anything?", small talk over I said I just needed another drink and left her sitting there in the den, went out to speak to my friend to tell him what had happened in the eveining, he tried to punch me in the face at this point, luckily for me he was caught by another friend and didn't actually hit me and with a little bit of shouting and him callling me a liar, I made him lis ten to the VAR recording, trust me when I say that my heart was jumping out of my chest from the moment I decided to go outside and speak to him, he looked at me and asked if this was a sick joke, at which I left the VAR wth my friends, made my appollogies and left.

Like I said this was going to end badly one way or another whether I laid a hand on her or not!!!!

Phone was ringing less than 10 seconds from closing the front gate, let me state, I am not a cheater and will never cheat on my wife, yes my wife made a mistake and she has worked very hard at our marriage ever since that fateful day, a revenge afair is stupid and cowardly thing for me to contemplate doing, I have since the moments after leaving been plagued by her and am now sort of out of my little group of friends but I think the VAR says it all, I used direct questions and if she didn't answer fully I just worded them differently to get her to tell the story.

Never been in this position before and it is new for me but the questions qnd quick thinking came from a year and a half of going through hell trying to fid the truth in my marriage.

Anyone else proud of me or think my actions are just the same as a cheater in the fact that I have ruined their relationship now???

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