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hilarious discovery story

Well, I can laugh about it now but, back then it wasn't funny.

Preface: I am approaching end of D process with current WW. It has become civil and should play out smoothly enough (hah!).

Anyway, on to my post. I thought this was classic and figured someone might get a belly laugh over it.

Back when I was a single Dad, 3 kids, I started dating a single Mom who I had met locally. She was very conservative and an active church-goer. She was attracive for sure. One thing led to another and we started dating casually. She was very aggressive about the relationship and was always pushing the pace. I was always trying to slow things down because I had my hands full with the kids and my job at the time. It went physical after awhile and she was an animal in bed ... just the opposite of her outside persona.
She was definitely pushing towards marriage ASAP. I was always slowing things down but, still wanted an exclusive relationship.
This frustrated her and she sometimes dated other men, mostly to make me jealous I've concluded. This made for an interesting relationship that had its ups and downs. I honestly felt she was "the one" but I wanted to take it a bit slower. I had a lot of concerns over family blending and affects on the kids.

Well, I was making plans for us for a weekend getaway and talked about it during the week. She said that she couldn't do it that weekend because she had made plans with her parents and family ... perhaps another week? It wasn't a biggie so I did things with the kids that weekend. That Sunday morning I awoke to my cell phone having 5 messages from the previous evening.
It turns out that she had gone away with another man she had just met to a resort. It was one of those free weekends where they sell you all weekend. What happened was that Saturday night, during dinner, she had accidentally "butt-dialed" my cell phone from her purse and my voicemail was filled with recordings of their dinner conversations. Lots of interesting details !!!!!!!
Lots of laughter, sexual jokes, and talking about what they were going to try that night in bed .... even a few jokes about me!
I was devastated. Great way to wake up Sunday morning.

I had no clue this was happening but can be thankful that Providence smiled upon me. Sunday evening, when she got back home, she called me to see how my weekend went. She told me about her weekend visiting her folks and brothers. I played it cool and talked about my boring weekend. She wanted to get together the next night for dinner but, I made a lame excuse. The next evening I called her and spilled the beans about what i knew about her weekend. She at first denied it vehemently. When I mentioned the phone calls, and a few of her comments i heard, she confessed. I broke up with her that night. For weeks she was visiting and calling, upset over the breakup. Two months later she moved across country.

It was hard to deal with at the time but, now looking back, it seems incredibly humorous. Good thing I didn't get any STDs.
I think I dodged a bullet!

Put the internet to work for you. via Personal Recipe 2629979

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