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"Facetime" and the 180

So, I'm working through the 180, and tonight I get the text from WH which simply read "ft?", it took me a moment to realize he wanted to Facetime through our phones. We have done this since he's moved out a couple of times and usually I focus the camera towards my son, but do usually "chat" with WH face-to-face (or phone-to-phone in this case) for a few minutes as well.

Tonight my son happened to be in the bath when WH texted. I waited 10 minutes after his text and made the video call. This time I did not put the camera on me at all but focused it towards my son and let WH direct the conversation; myself saying very little, and when I did I directed the conversation toward my son (i.e. be careful in the water honey, don't splash too hard, you're doing a great job washing that!, etc).

After a few minutes WH asked me flat out how DS did in school today. I answered with a polite, "he did fine, nothing new to report" never turning the camera on myself. After a few more minutes DS wanted out of the bath so I said "Say bye bye to daddy", which he did and they exchanged I love yous and I hung up the phone just before I got a glimpse of a huge pout on WH's face.

How would you handle the random "Facetime" requests? I know I should do it for my son, but it just annoys me that WH can "see" him anytime he wants but have no active parent participation (bathing, reading, feeding, putting to sleep). Should I just suck it up and let my son get what he can from his father? I'm going to ask my counselor about this tomorrow, but would love any input.

Also, would you have handled yourself differently? I was polite and diplomatic with my answers to WH but cheerful and made jokes with my DS as I normally would do....


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