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I just want to have fun...

My cheater GF has come full circle...

Last year at this time she was fully involved in a PA with an old flame. We are separated. I live in an apt here in town. We work together so we have been in constant contact with each other for the entire year.

Her OM turns out to be in the end a total zero. Sure they had the initial high from being together but in the end he was total screwed up and not someone who she could ever be with. ( I told her that was how it would end )

Their PA ended in January. The mental and emotional part took till mid May, but is also now dead and done. I have confirmed it with the OM brother.

I have been dating but have not met anyone I want to be with. I do still want her.

Last night she said to me (2 o'clock phone call) she needed to reconnect with herself and her live. She said she has been backing away from everything and everyone. She said she needs to reconnect with me so she could feel comfortable again.

This morning she called me and said she couldn't just jump in full force ( me move back in...commit to us for the rest of her life, etc. etc.) but she did want to have some fun with me again. See if we can connect. Try laughing again.

So if I wanted to "just have fun" this summer, she wants that too...

What do you think? Reconsilation? Rekindle? Reconnect?

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