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First time I've been properly head f*cked

Was just seeing if anyone on here could give me some advice on what to do cos for the first time I don't have a clue!

I met this girl at a house party a few months back and we ended up just getting off anf thought nothing of it the next day. But after talking to her over text quite a bit I realised she had more than just looks going for her and we had loads in common but I'm **** at texting people back and after a while the texts dried up a bit.

Anyway I was at my mates leaving ball after party a few days ago and she was there and we inevitable started flirting, I was making her laugh and was starting to think maybe I do want something more so asked her what she was doing at next weekend and we agreed to go on a date.

Now for the head **** bit... It was around 3am and I'd had a bit too much and crashed on the sofa, I heard her talking animatedly to her mate outside the door, could here her mate like "tell him, you got to tell him!" So the girl walks in and tells me she doesn't feel "like that" about me and I'm just like right yeah I only wanted to get to know you better I'm not exactly in love with you. But at the same time its like wtf this has never happened to me before, would be typical that the one girl I might want is the one girl I can't have.

Then in the morning we were walking back into town together and I wanted to clear the air with her gave her the standard "no reason why we can't be friends" talk but then she started saying how she was rushed into a decision and she still wants to come on this date next weekend.

Seriously though wtf, didn't think it was possible to be this confused over a girl, if someone has any idea what I should be thinking or doing then please let me know cos right now I don't have a clue! Sorry for ****ty grammar, had to write this on my phone and really cbf to go back and check it. Nice one x

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