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Berated Over the "Little" Things

I Wasn't Treating My Husband Fairly, And It Wasn't Fair

Just came across this article. I realize that men can do this to women too, but since the focus of the article is wives treating their husbands a certain way, figured that would be the focus.

Curious, how many guys have gone through this? This is something that fortunately I have not had to deal with during my marriage, and would have very little tolerance for. However, I have seen this happen first hand in other marriages. I absolutely cringe when I am around my in laws b/c this is precisely what my MIL does to my FIL.

Here is a quick excerpt from the article:


And then I sat there and thought long and hard about what I'd just done. And what I'd been doing to him for years, probably. The "hamburger meat moment," as I've come to call it, certainly wasn't the first time I scolded him for not doing something the way I thought it should be done. He was always putting something away in the wrong place. Or leaving something out. Or neglecting to do something altogether. And I was always right there to point it out to him.

Why do I do that? How does it benefit me to constantly belittle my husband? The man that I've taken as my partner in life. The father of my children. The guy I want to have by my side as I grow old. Why do I do what women are so often accused of, and try to change the way he does every little thing? Do I feel like I'm accomplishing something? Clearly not if I feel I have to keep doing it. Why do I think it's reasonable to expect him to remember everything I want and do it just that way? The instances in which he does something differently, does it mean he's wrong? When did "my way" become "the only way?" When did it become okay to constantly correct him and lecture him and point out every little thing I didn't like as if he were making some kind of mistake?


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