So there's this girl i like in my sixth form.She does art and i used to do art at GCSE.Suprisingly enough I got an A(my work wasnt A grade quality but i worked really hard and done alot of big pieces,all of them complete.Im thinking about 20-24 in addtion to like 4 sketchbooks) whereas she got a B at GCSE despite being an infinetly better artist(essentialy A* worthy tbh-her art was similair to the best artist in my old school and he got an A*) then me and most likely a more dedicated one.Since I bought in my certificate to prove to her I got an A,she's kind of been holding a grudge against me about it like recently she said "Yeah he got an A" and I said "I might have got an A but your a better artist so you really shouldnt care." To which she replied "I know I shouldnt care but it annoys me sometimes."
Now I will admit I am not the most talented artist and i was a tad boastful but im no fool to say that i am a better can i make her feel better about it?
How can I make it so that it doesnt annoy her? We are mostly on good terms,I let her borrow some of my stuff and we make small talk sometimes and get on well generally...

Put the internet to work for you.
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