Basically, I'm a very physical person, I love to hug and kiss and stuff. Thankfully I'm aware that not everybody is like this and don't go around touching and hugging people willy-nilly.
The problem is, if I'm attracted to somebody, often minimal physical contact causes a blood rush to a certain area :$
For instance, recently I had a girl around to watch a film and had no intention of trying to initiate any sexual contact outside of perhaps a passionate kiss. So we're lying down cuddling and I'm like stroking her neck and stuff, and sure enough, the little fella decides to come out of hiding. Thankfully it was weak and none noticeable but I was terrified she'd brush past it or something.
Similarly, when we hugged and kissed goodbye, I was scared she'd move in a bit too close and feel it again.
I dunno, I just imagine a girl would find it a bit bizarre that such little contact is erection inducing for me. I also don't wanna spoil what are otherwise cute intimate moments with a throbbing symbol of sexual suggestion.
So girls, would you find it a bit inappropriate if a guy was suddenly poking into you in an otherwise non-sexual moment, or would you shrug it off as a sign of his attraction to you?

Put the internet to work for you.
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