Im 20 and she is 17. We are in a LDR, and have been since we starting dating around a year and a half ago. I never wanted to get into a LDR and have regretted it since day 1, however I would be lying if i said she wasnt the sweetest and nicest girl I've ever met.
She loves me a LOT, like seriously shes been through some hard stuff in her past with family etc so she is quite dependent emotionally on me so whenever we argue or I bring up the topic of taking a break or ending it she gets very very upset and angry at me for even suggesting it. Quite early on she mentioned marriage and honestly that **** scares me lol,I dont see myself as someone who can get married as literally every marriage in my family has broken down (parents, uncles, aunts etc)
Also she is 17, and I feel she is too young for me, I'm quite a serious person and not to boast but quite smart and currently in my final year in uni doing well, but she failed many of her gcses and also her AS', and really cannot hold a decent conversation. She is quite 'blonde' so to speak to use the expression.
I also feel she is too 'lovey dovey' and thats really not me, we clicked almost instantly when we started talking, like really clicked but after about a year she started annoying the hell out of me
Any advice as to what I could whether I stay with her or not.
She is a very vulnerable girl and it would kill me if she did anything after I ended it because of me being selfish. Simply I feel like I love her but I am not in love with her...

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