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Polygraph - would you. Ale your spouse take one?

Sooo I have another long post on here that spells out my whole story about my husband responding to Craigslist adds for months. He is adamant he has never touch another woman (or man, he's not gay or bi, just didn't want their to be any questions), that it was all just the excitement of getting responses/pics/feeling wanted....I appreciate all your responses on that thread...

So before posting on here I believed he had told me everything. Most of me still does - I've known the man for 13 years and this was going on for 6 months, but I'd like to believe I still know his heart and soul. He says he made mistakes looking, but he never could have gone thru being with anyone else....I've found no evidence in all my digging to think he actually went thru with it. All the emails texts either just stop or on the occasion they did agree to meet him, he flaked last minute. None of them look like he actually did anything...

After all your responses, some of you seem so sure that men cannot change. Once a cheater always a cheater. And that got me questioning things, because no matter how sincere he seems, some of you have been thru this for so much longer than I have...

So I brought up a polygraph. He agreed to taking one, saying he's told me everything. He did say he was nervous because of free results come back inconclusive or anything, he's scared I will immediately fileor divorce. He said he will take one no problem, but he's still scared because he knows the results are only as good as the reader of them and his whole life hang in their hands....

The test costs $650 and its with a legit polygraph person with many credentials and years of experience. She will only do marital cases of the couple is in counseling and she has to speak with the counselor first to make sure both parties are mentally and emotionally stable enough to hear the results. I can respect her for that, I'm sure she's seen a lot :(

So my question is, would you do it? That's a lot of money! But for peace of mind, it'd be invaluable. Our counselor seems to think it's going a bit off the deep end...ihavent told him (counselor) that I need his professional approval first, but I will be asking him at our next session on Thursday if I decide to go thru with it...

Would you trust polygraph results as fact either way?
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