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I think I have a problem...

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I think I have a problem and I don't know how to fix it.

Earlier this year I had my first relationship. It was awful and ended badly, but I found myself investing my self worth in what this guy thought of me to the extent where, when he was gone, I felt so beyond awful. All that self worth had been ripped away and I fell back into some old habits which I'd been able to stop with his help. I needed attention and acceptance and I would (and continue to) take this from any man who stooped to offer it. I've fallen into the motions: the flirting, chatting up, the serious talks about where this is going and the inevitable reeling in before I helplessly watch him slip away and lose interest. I don't know how to put it other than that I don't feel complete unless I'm texting, flirting with or seeing a guy. And it dilapidates me a little bit more every time.

I've been reflecting today and I've realised I have a problem. I just don't know how to go about fixing it. Can anyone offer me advice? Sorry for the essay. :)

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