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PMS and sex - I just get too angry for sex!

I have an issue with PMS and sex.

Basically, for the week before my period I'm very sore, bloated and angry for no reason other than the fact I have PMS. I've tried all the usual remedies.

How do I politely and firmly tell my partner that he's more likely to get a swift kick in the family jewels than some sweet lovin' during the run up to my period? How do I explain that it's nothing personal? Everything just makes me angry when I have PMS!

I have to basically avoid him during the week before my period (hard as we live together). If anyone touches me (including him), I feel completely enraged and feel like giving them a good slap. As soon as I get my period I feel like a human being again and I'm more than happy to get down and dirty.

I feel the best solution is to stay out of his way during that perilous week, and sleep in the spare room. That way I don't get annoyed by him and he doesn't get the chance to start touching and mithering me. He doesn't risk his male ego being wounded either! So, I think it's a win win situation.

I just need to find a nice way of saying "leave me the **** alone this week, I'll be up for it again once the eagle has landed."

I've tried to explain the situation on numerous occasions, but I don't think he quite understands.


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