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Major Friend Zoned! Help!

Anon or delete - people know me here...

I shall try to keep this brief. There is this girl who I have liked for a while who has put me into a major friend zone. About 2 years ago we used to date each other but then we both kept on arguing for different reasons so split up.

However, we still tried to remain friends and now we are very close. But, I feel that I am forever to be stuck in the friend zone and want to go out with her again. She always ask me to go do things for her, we sleep in the same bed and we always have a good laugh etc (the sort of stuff you would expect a couple to do). Yet whenever I try to make a move or flirt too much she would clearly back away and things would get awkward.

I just need some advice (preferably from the ladies) on what you think is up? What she is thinking and what can I do?

Any help will be great, thanks :)

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