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Made the worst mistake of my life, advice/help please?

Right, this is gonna be a long story so everyone knows where I stand. It is going to include every detail of the relationship so you guys can hold the bigger picture.
First things first, I know I'm 18, I know I'm still young but I was actually committed to this one girl.
Right lets get this show on the road.
On 27th August 2012, this girl called Kelly (not real name), asked me to be her boyfriend. We had a past of showing interest with each other, so I immediately jumped at the chance. I was 17 then, she was 16 (year below), but we were so happy. I got on with her parents, she got on with mine. For the first 6-7 months, we were perfect. We had days out, we would make plans to have movie nights; everything was going great (Some of you would think this is just a teenage romance or something, but I'm telling you I love this girl to pieces even to this very moment).
Then things started to go downhill. We were led on her bed, just enjoying each others company watching a film, having a casual conversation in each others arms. My female friend text me on my phone, sending lyrics of a song she wrote (She writes songs, and I help her out when she needs ideas etc). I asked my girlfriend to check the text, and the lyrics were of a love song my female friend had created. Kelly assumed the lyrics were MEANT for me (they weren't, they were just lyrics that needed work/my opinion). This was the turning point in the relationship, she started to not like me talking to other girls (and when I did I had to tell her before hand). Me being me however, thought this was okay. I mean I would do anything for this girl.
However, the last 3 months or so of the relationship, she had declared she was losing feelings for me. I made more of an effort to show love towards her, treat her right etc. And it worked, for a while.
Last Sunday, I went to Bridgewater for a camping break with my family for a couple days. I promised Kelly before I left that I would ring her everyday, keep contact with her so she wouldn't think I'm not thinking of her. Also on the same day, she was going to her cousins until the following weekend (she had planned that a month in advance).
Then it happened.
At the campsite there was NO phone reception at all, no signal (and when I did pick up signal, it would drop in and out, so i could send a text or two, or receive some). I couldn't contact my girlfriend and I didn't know what to do. I didn't contact her for 2 days straight, after I promised her I would.
She sent a text saying, 'I can't do this. You not talking to me is making me lose feelings for you xxxxxx'
I began to panic, because I literally could not do ANYTHING. I couldn't contact her at all.
Although, my Dad was on 4G network, so he allowed me borrow his talk time on his phone. I rang Kelly, and she said she was losing feelings and everything. I was stressed about everything and out of pure stupidity I ended it. She was crying down the phone to me, saying that we could be friends. I too, cried when I put the phone down.
I come home on the Tuesday afternoon, and she is coming home on the following Saturday. Now it is Wednesday.
I've cried a few times because I want her back, I have even resorted to begging for her back, with no success. I know this is the end but I just can't accept it. She is all I think about, I thought sleep would make this better but it doesn't. All I dream about is what moments we had together. I can't face being with someone, growing close to someone for almost a year and now it's all gone. I have to wait until Saturday when she goes home so we can talk, but even that isn't guaranteed. I just don't know what to do with myself anymore, I mean she IS the love of my life, I loved her. I don't care that I'm young, we had a future together, we planned it and everything, even her Mum thought so to.
So guys, any ideas where to go from here?

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