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Does he regret me?

I met this really cute guy online. We really hit it off and talked everyday until 2am-3am. He told me that he worked really long shifts and he stayed up late just to talk to me. *insert special snowflake here*

Fast forward a couple weeks and after talking on the phone for a while, we decide to finally meet up at his place and make a date to see a movie later on in the week.

We meet up, and one thing led to another and we end up having sex. He cancelled our date an hour before we were supposed to meet and said he was 'called in' at work. I thought "Okay, maybe it's just a coincidence? You never know."

Fast forward again and it's been a week since he last spoke to me. I mean, at all.

I called him out on this and asked him if he intended to make me into a one night stand without letting me know? He kept replying vaguely and then not at all.

The thing is, he was the first guy I've ever done this sort of thing with and I thought we really connected. My common sense is telling me "Forget about him!" but I can't help feeling that there's more to this story and I need closure.

What should I do? :confused:

Put the internet to work for you. via Personal Recipe 2629979

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