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What do i do - help needed please!!

Hi all,

My wife left me 2 months ago and pretty much started divorce proceedings straight away. I tried everything to try to get her to reconsider but to no avail.:confused:
She said the reasoning for the divorce on the petition when it arrived would be my selfishness, lack of communication and amount of time i spent working! She also said she was happy to pay for the divorce just to get it finalised.
I received my court papers yesterday but the reasons she has given are pretty much all lies and its extremley hurtful what she has said. However I have calmed down and am happy to now just sign even though it's not true to just get it all finalised so that I can move on.
She has however put on the divorce petition that she wants me to pay the costs?????? This is something that I am not happy to do as the divorce is not something that I ever actually wanted. I offered to give up my job, counselling etc to try & sort out our supposed problems.
I do not have a solicitor as if I'm honest I can't really afford one and she knows this.
I have since learned that within a week of ending the marriage she was in a relationship with another man and they have now got a new home together. I feel that she is trying to actually just come up with excuses & blame me for the breakdown of the marriage when in fact it is actually due to the fact that she was weak & had started a relationship with another man.

Please help people as not sure what I should do


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