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MY EX is hiring a questionable sitter for the summer, again

Hello everyone,
It's been a month since I've been on here because I'm in great relationship with this girl and my EX has not caused any issues...until now.

I found out that she is using her former live-in BF to watch our kids. The problem is:
1. He has an explosive temper. His EX-wife got a maximum 4 year restraining order on the guy because of his temper and the **** he pulled.
2. He has been unemployed since October.
3. He drinks.
4. He hit my Ex-wife in the face back on New Years and she took my kids (who were visiting on holiday) out of the house and to a hotel for the remaining 4 days they were there.
5. My son (7yrs old) does not like him because he is strict and mean to him.
6. She moved out last month from the house the two of them were renting. He lives on the other side of town now. I have no idea if they are still dating. Caustic relationship?

I found out the BF (or EX-BF) will be watching the kids from his EX-wife who contacted me. She told me her 9 yr old daughter told her daddy will be watching my kids at his place and my EX's place during the summer. She also sent me all the info on her EX (new address, phone number, DL#, DOB (he's old!) ;)

My EX lied to me, her family, and the kids' counselors last year when she promised she wouldn't have our alcoholic cousin watch our kids, and then ended up bringing him along anyways.
That was a stressful summer and I don't plan on having another.
She's selfish, lacks judgement, and is co-dependent to name a few.

If this is true, my EX lied to me again because she told me the kids were going to summer camps through the parks & rec during the summer.

So what should I do?
I am thinking of telling her the kids are not going up to Minneapolis for the summer. She can take me to court (she doesn't really have the money which is part of the reason she's hiring the BF). They leave Wednesday by the way.

Should I give her an opportunity to come clean or clear the possible misunderstanding? Should I ask for receipts from the summer camps? And even with receipts I wonder if she plans to cancel the camps anyways.

Any advice is helpful. Thanks guys.

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