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I feel like I NEED to text my ex, even if I'm not sure if there are feelings

My ex was my first love, first girlfriend, blah blah blah and I was her same. We have been broken up for almost a year now, but every now and then we do text and speak to each other. Even after all this time, if we bump into each other, its awkward like there is something there.

The other day, I text her just asking how she was and stuff, but while I was about to send the message, I kept thinking that I'm not really that fussed. Like, I think I'm over her, but I still feel like texting her and crying about her and wanting her is something I have to do, if that makes sense?

We ended up skying and I bought up the subject of "so, are you with anyone, or seeing anyone now?" and her answer was really weird. It was a mixture of yes and no, leading me to believe either there is someone and she doesn't know what's going on or she's trying to make me jealous (as that's happened before). Now, at the time, this was a bit of a shock to me, but I didn't want to act upset so I put on a happy face and carried on talking, but normally, I would've broken down after and been so upset and whatever, but not even an hour had passed and I wasn't that fussed about it. I thought that was really weird for me, maybe I am getting over her?

She's gone home (from uni) this weekend to a family party and I was thinking of texting her on Monday just asking how it was and trying to start talking to her again, but again, on one hand I feel like that's effort, but on the other I would probably get annoyed if she didn't reply and would be eagerly waiting for her to text back. Maybe I feel like this as she was the closest thing I had and now that I'm bored and lonely, my mind keeps going back to those fun times?

What do my feelings mean? Why do I think that I NEED or like its my DUTY to run after her like this? I have tried things with other girls but for some reason, none of them felt the same like my ex and I didn't like them in the same way either. What can I do?

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