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Celibacy for a year

Hey all,

Was just hanging out with one of my mates this morning, he's a Christian dude and we were mulling an issue which is affecting me right now, it's not my proudest moment but it has happened and I am now completely over it. Basically, I'm a 21 year old virgin guy. I'm not completely ugly in fact I did get asked if I wanted to do a photo shoot for modelling once (lol if only!) but I am just a very hard working person, have always worked my ass off at everything I do, doing a bit of everything, got to British national level in a sport while doing my A-levels and holding down 2 jobs! :D But I suppose I did neglect girls during this period of my life, I am a virgin by choice I'm Agnostic but I do not, and will never, have sex outside of relationships. :) . Well fast forward 2 years, 2nd year of Uni tried to get a girlfriend, because I'm a bit clueless on what you have to do I went through the motions for a while, had no luck, saw some statistics on romantic activity & age plotted ag aisnt decreased likelihood of having children, panicked a bit and just accepted some random dudes advice on using pick up artist methods. I was also in a bit of a rush because I wanted to learn how to support a woman etc as I want to be a good father one day.

I only went out with pick up artists three times and did not even do pick up, I was too embarrassed to talk openly about being a virgin back then and I just wanted to be around men who had success in relationships who I could talk to openly. They used to tell me to go get girls numbers etc and I would just go to the bathroom for 10 mins and text my mate lol. I did get 2 girls numbers during this period of time and I actually did want to date them. My rule is if you wanna **** me, you've gotta let me take you out five times. They were a bit forward sexually so I had to cut them off. Anyway I think some dudes saw me in a bar with these guys and soon enough everyone on campus found out, now I have actually had people swear at me in the street, some dude looked like he was about to kick my ass in a club one time so I think going out is not going to be on the agenda for much of next year, and the worst part is all the girls in my Uni think I am some sort of sex mad pervert...I don 't even masturbate :(

So my friend has advised me to go celibate for a year and just work my absolute ass off on my degree. It is my 3rd and final year, so it sounds like a fantastic idea. The thought of getting a 1st class does make me salivate just ever so slightly lol...will totally be able to get a girlfriend after Uni as I am going to law school in a different city away from all this crap. Give me 5 years I will have everything I want don't you worry! ;)

Just wanted your thoughts on this one, if you can see any flaws in the plan or major downsides, let me know. I'm going to my mates house to have like an 8 hour acoustic jam now but will check back in a day PEACE X

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