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How to like someone new if all I notice are their flaws and compare them to someone?

I'll try and be brief as I can easily go on and on and on about how perfect a guy is, but I'm sure you've heard it all before. But it's just so hard to meet someone new when every time I do, I keep finding flaws and no one is as perfect as the guy I'm in love with.

I ended up for two months in his city in the summer as my dad lives there so I went over for holidays and we hung out (we've known each other for a while online). It was amazing. I've never had someone make me feel that way towards them. I trusted him off the bat, and I have major trust issues. But he just made me feel so different. We even ended up kinda doing stuff the last time I saw him. I've never had sex in a relationship, let alone done anything outside of one, but he made me want to yell '**** me, now' and just made me want him so bad and I felt so open with him.

Anyways, I moved to another country to go to a different university and we kept talking and I guess I was misled by our talks that this was going somewhere, or rather he started realizing that if he falls too hard for me that it's no good as it's not gonna go anywhere so he started distancing himself, and I subconsciously tried to talk more and try and talk about things.

We finally did and he explained that until he sees it working out and sees us together in the future, he's not gonna feel anything and thus show it. He thinks I'm the most amazing person ever, trusts me more than anyone ( he hates 99% of people that he knows) and says if soul-mates were to exist, he'd be proud to call me one etc… but ahh, it drives me crazy. He says it's because of his trust issues that he can't just let himself go and take a chance.

I want to move on but it's just so hard. I try and meet guys and stuff, guys talk to me online, and I just keep finding flaws with each and every one. This one guy talking to me now, nothing wrong with him, but I just can't like him for some reason. He's got all the qualities I usually look for, but I can't get the other guy out of my head.

I can keep trying to make him feel something, he did say that maybe eventually something might happen, he'd like it to, but I feel like I know it's best to just let it go. The other guy seems really nice and into me, but how can I just get myself to like him? I know people say you don't necessarily feel something right away, that's why you date a person to see how compatible you are and so on... but...


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