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Multi-dating vs. Mono-dating

So, you're single. You're out there. You're dating.

Are you dating only one person at a time, or are you dating as many as you can without mixing up names?

This discussion arose from a thread in the clubhouse about middle aged men being players, while the fact remains that the OP is actually dating more than one man.

Hilarity and deep conversation ensues ...

There seem to be distinct perspectives on this regarding, what information do you share when, the concept of exclusivity, and of course that dating means different things to different people.

I multi-date. Meaning that I am usually corresponding with, or actually seeing more than one woman at a time. The goal of which is to hopefully find someone that you are mutually compatible with and can settle into an exclusive relationship with.

I don't make a practice of having sex with multiple partners who I am 'dating'. Intimacy generally breeds exclusivity.

So, do you presume anyone you are dating is dating others?

Or do you presume that if you have gone beyond a few dates, that you are exclusive?


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