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My significant other is always talking about is past rendezvous. What should I do?

My significant other never misses the opportunity to talk about his wild crazy rendezvous from his single years, and it's so annoying.

We could be sitting at a dinner and someone's name will pop up - and if he's dated or used to fancy the person, he won't hesitate to let us all know about it. It puts me in an awkward position - like, how do I respond? Do I laugh it off? Do I go crazy? What do I say?

I feel when he does that, it just leaves me to sit there and look stupid, and listen to him talk about how hot another person was, etc.

He's a lot older than me (28 years older), so I've always chopped it up as his way of seeming younger, and staying relevant, but I still find it incredibly rude.

I've brought it up to him before and he completely stopped at one point, but he's slowly starting to do it again.

On the flip side, he's very jealous and gets very possessive if I were to talk about another guy or if I even joke about my sexual past.

Any one have any advice?? Help!!! :-)


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