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Why is it I still feel like this?

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Hello, I'm 16 people. I always have this sense of not belonging, I can't explain but here goes.
At primary, I was an outsider, mostly because I was the only non-white student, most people were scared to even look at me, I made a few friends but I was the loner.
In secondary, I started opening up and made tonnes of friends, but loneliness was a feeling. I finished my last year of school in London (Moved) and, despite getting on with most people, I've only made around 4-5 good friends. I just can't shake off this feeling of loneliness, the thing is, I enjoy it but, I do get upset over it. I'm told that my personality is helpful, I always give up my time for others and foolishly put my needs after others. I don't know why I do it but, people exploit me, and I'm tired of it.
To date, I only speak regularly with two friends, and a girl who didn't even go to the same school of me. We met through a mutual friend.

Also, I know its stupid but, I just don't feel like I'm ever gonna meet someone, I know I'm young but everywhere I look, I see people either dating, or chasing someone. Everyone finds it weird I don't, my mum says 'You should get a girlfriend' and my best friend says its strange and 'upsetting' I don't like anyone. I know it isn't really but it plays.

I'm just really lonely and low, I feel like a bird (Hate to steal from Nelly Furtado) but I actually do, I feel like I have no real home or place, I don't belong anywhere. I feel like I'll always not belong, even when I started work, my colleagues always say to me 'Why are you scared?' simply because of the lost look on my face. Life hasn't been great to me, useless father and several disappointments. I've tried finding things to forget about this, but my hobbies are only hobbies, I'm just so lonely. I want to meet someone, I want to be happy for once. I don't know why I made this thread, its not a cry for help, I'm not suicidal or severely depressed, I'm just lonely. Very lonely.


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