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My boyfriend won't listen and I just want the best for him!

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Before I get started I just want to say that I love my boyfriend to pieces and I wouldn't give him up for anything! My boyfriend wants to pursue a career in medicine, the only problem is, he is not very good at prioritizing at all! He has an awful tendency to put 100% and focus on somethings and then let other things slide. At the moment, my boyfriend is working full time over the summer and he's doing overtime (only over the summer) and fair enough, he's got to support both him and his mother at the moment (not going to divulge, its not my place to talk about), which is fair enough I think, but he's also, spending the rest of his time, revising for A2's (because he needs to get A's to get onto medicine), volunteering in two voluntary positions (he needs for his PS) and spending the rest of his time with me (because we don;t have much time together). The problem being he's got his UKCAT at the end of August! (29th, it was on the 12th August but he had to move it) He hasn't done any revision for his UKCAT nor has he started his personal statement and I'm really worried that he's not going to do very well and won't get a university place, I know how hard he's worked and he deserves it more than anyone!

I've suggested, that when we spend time together, even though I'm not doing the UKCAT we could revise together or do personal statements together but he doesn't want to do that because being the sweetheart he is, he doesn't want me to be bored whilst he's revising! I've told him, maybe he shouldn't be taking overtime or doing as many hours in work but he won't listen and I understand he needs to support his mother or maybe even not revising for A2's (hes got near enough a whole year to revise for A2s but only a couple of weeks to do his PS/UKCAT) but he still won't listen. I just really want the best for him, if I could do these things for him, I would, but I can't!
Any advice?
Sorry for the long post :/


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