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I think I like my best friends brother but I'm sure he likes me too

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Hey, so I told my best friend I thought her brother was really hot the first time I met him at her house. She was like ewww no not him, he's so annoying.
yesterday I was at her house because I went to see her dance show. she had already gone so I sat in the kitchen talking to her brother until her mum came home to take us to see the show. He wasn't going to come but he did. We were talking in the car and all the way through the show (flirting quite a lot) when we got out the car before we went in the house we ended up having an umbrella fight in the rain and we went in soaked, her mum just laughed at us.
I said to my friend about what happened and that I like him. she said yeah it's just weird and uncomfortable for me (so what do I do?) but she also said I he think he likes you, he doesn't have a girlfriend and that their mum kicked heather to move over when we all played frustration and twister (board games) for the rest of the night we played the wii and sat watching tv. Their mum and dad were saying stuff hinting all day. He never sits in the living room or gets involved in anything with the family but when I was there he did. He also tried to steal my friends seat(next to me) when ever he could. What do I do? Oh and I slept over last night so I will probably see him this morning


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