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Advice for young daughter?

I am writing for advice to give my daughter; I'm not sure the best advice to give considering I don't have the best track record.

Basics..she is 22, husband is 25 (young!) together 2.5 years with a 10-month old son. Just bought a house.

She confessed to me she no longer "likes" her husband. She told me some surface stuff, I dug a little and it seems her main issue is his lack attention to the housework and child. He flat out has told her "I don't do housework." His main issue is lack of sex. I think the two are intertwined in that she resents him because she comes home from work, cooks, cleans etc while he watches TV. How excited is she going to be to have sex with him after that?

She says the have talked and talked about this to no avail. I asked her if they have taken any ACTION. I suggested they rename "housework" as "family responsibilities" and negotiate a better division. The sex would hopefully come naturally as she feels more appreciated and more like she has a partner.

They are SOO young...I don't want them to give up without trying (like I did). Any other words of wisdom from those who have stuck with it through thick and thin??

Thank you


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