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Question:which is most important??

I have been with my husband for 12 yrs. and legally married for almost a year... We had some issues before we married, but I was confident that we could work past them.... Lately I've been wondering if my optimism was a mistake. My husband is a sweet man, who is emotionally available, honest, and extremely loyal. However, financially he's a HOT MESS. I knew from the beginning due to our educational differences, I would be the one to make more money, which doesn't bother me in the least. WHAT DOES bother me is the fact that since he got laid off two years ago from his fairly good job, he has taken what ever menial job that is easy to come by. Now he has a good deal of management experience from that good job and I'm sure he could get a decent one if he put some real effort into it.... Definitely something more than minimum wage.

I am currently working full time and we are barely getting by.... I mean BARELY.. I fear that any little mini disaster could seriously leave us homeless. AND our financial strife doesn't seem to panic him the way it does me. This current job he got from a friend and it is literally minimum wage.... You would think that he would continue to pursue other better employment, but no....

My question is: which is more important in a marriage , someone who is financially stable and motivated to build security in your lives but might be a little less emotionally giving or someone who is emotionally supportive in every way possible but you have to foot the bill completely?!???..... Please help, I'm just not sure if this is worth it..... I don't want to spend the rest of my life working for him.... It has gotten so bad, that I have changed my mind of having children due to not having the financial means to take care of them.... Thanks

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