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Mental Illness/Legal Options

You can read my story in other threads so I will just summarize here. My husband up and left in without telling me and became exrtemely withdrawn. He cut me off COMPLETELY in a matter of hours as well as my family and all his friends. He stayed with his parents but I was told he would not talk to them. He emailed me stating he wanted a divorce. His mom suffers from mental illness. My husband never showed signs of it. However, I have wondered if what happened here has something to do it. He left a note that made no sense and is hiding. I talked to a psychiatrist who firmly beleives he has had a psychotic episode. He actually had every sign of it and is the perfect age for a first episode to occur. She was very concerned he could commit suicide.
I DO NOT want a divorce and am extremely worried about him. I am trying to find out if there is anything that I can do for him legally or medically if this is what happened. I have tried contacting various people for advice but no luck.

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