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I've been rejected. :'(

It's taken me a lot of courage to write this, because I feel so ashamed and mortified, but I have to get it out.

I texted a boy last night, and he hasn't replied back to me. It was, so I thought, just a friendly chatty text, asking him how his revision was going. I was so nervous about it, but I just hoped and hoped ... nothing ventured, nothing gained, right? Well, I've come off so much worse now ... I wish I hadn't texted him. :( I WISH I hadn't texted him.:(

You might think I'm overreacting, but I'm not. We swapped numbers before the end of term, and I texted him on Tuesday night. He was very friendly, and replied within a few minutes. He said it would be fine if I texted him again. So I waited four days, and texted him last night, at the same time (half ten ish). He still hasn't replied, and I don't understand why.

This is such a massive knock to my confidence. I don't know what I said that was bad ... I was just being friendly :( It's ruined everything. We're both big Doctor Who fans, and I wanted to text him about Matt Smith quitting, but now I can't text him until he's replied himself to my last text, can I? Everything's ruined :(:(:( Why oh why hasn't he replied? Am I really such a loser/so unlikeable? :(

I've felt absolutely sick and anxious about this all day. I can't concentrate, I just feel like such an idiot. I should know better than think people would want to talk to me. :(

Can anyone shed any light on this or make me feel better?:( Why hasn't he replied!!! I'm really upset. :(

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