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Is sex really as important as it's made out to be?

Me and my boyfriend no longer have sex: this isn't due to a stale relationship or because we don't like each other, it's because neither of us get anything from sex. I'd like to point out that we do everything else, just not the act itself. I suffer from vaginismus and he is unable to climax through intercourse so it seems pointless to persevere with something that neither of us enjoy.. However, there is so much pressure on people these days to be having all this crazy wild sex :it's in magazines, books even on daytime TV! You're made a feel like a freak if you're not having it and even more of a freak if you don't enjoy it! Sex really isn't the be all and and end all that the media makes it out to be, surely it's possible to have a healthy relationship without it?!

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