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My friend has become obsessed

Hi everyone

Well for a number of years i've had a friend who I met online. We live in different countries. I am a male (21 years) and they are a female (20 years).

For years our friendship was fine, until about 8 months ago she started talking to me more. That was all fine, as I enjoyed her friendship. But eventually she started to become very needy and clingy. If I said i had to go to bed, as where I live is later than where she lives, she would become angry, say i hated her and didn't want to spend time with her. So i usually stayed more time, to not upset her (a mistake i know). Now it's gotten to the point where every time i have to go or can't talk, she gets angry with me. She gets jealous of all of my friends, she insults my friends and wants me to talk with her all day. for obvious reasons, i don't want to talk to her all day, even if she is my friend, i need some time to do other things! eg study, sleep etc

She always fights with me, she gets upset about anything i say that she doesn't like. After that she treats me badly and insults me. She never thinks she is responsible for any of the fights and has even said that I fight with her on purpose just to hurt her, which I don't. she often insults me but if i say anything that she doesn't agree with, even if its not about her, she fights with me. She insults my country, and my family. (my aunty is from Bangladesh and she always asks why my uncle didn't marry someone from somewhere else). obviously that upsets me, but when i tell her that i don't like her saying that she gets upset and acts like the victim.

she refuses to eat when i'm not talking to her, so obviously i feel guilt tripped into talking to her everyday while she eats. But if i say i need to go, as i need to eat, she then starts fighting with me.
She told me that her alarm was broken, and asked me if for 1 day i could message her to wake her up. so i did. now she wants me to do that everyday, which wouldn't be a problem but the real reason she said that is so that she can talk to me all day, literally from the moment she wakes up.

Eventually, she told me she has feelings for me, and i told her I only wanted her as a friend. She said she'd respect that, but the truth is she thinks of me as her boyfriend. She thinks she has a divine right to all my time. If i say to her, "I couldn't reply to your message as I was in a lecture" she'll accuse me of lying, and say that i didn't reply as i hate her!

She has genuinely been a very good friend for a number of years, but its gotten out of hand. I feel trapped as I don't want to hurt her but at the same time, the situation is making life less enjoyable. Some times she is fine, but eventually she falls back into these habits, usually at night when i say i have to go to bed!

I've told her many times that she needs to change these things but every time i do she gets angry with me and acts like the victim. When i say that i can't talk all day she says that I need to stop abusing her! She has no siblings and her parents have always spoiled her, so i think she is used to having things her own way all the time.

What should i do?
I know my fundamental problem is that I never say "No" and assert myself, but i just find it very hard to upset people.

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