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Why is everybody so anti tall women dating short men?

Im just wondering this as a 5ft11 girl whose dating a 5ft9 guy constantly im facing people being nasty about it making snide comments taking the piss out of us.

I read somewhere that women over 6ft who will only date men taller than themselves reduce the dating 'pool' by 80%, considering the average height of a man in the uk is about 5ft8/9 and im clearly way over that height Ive realised that height is irrelevent. Yes it can be pretty awkard not being able to wear heels and yes i do feel like the giant troll as im taller than him but we hardly notice it anylonger.

Ive dated 'taller guys' ive been with my boyfriend since i was 18 im now 20 and before i met him i was worried about dating a shorter guy incase people took the piss so ive dated taller guys who were dicks and ********s who treated me like ****. So when my boyfriend came along he was funny, gorgous smart friendly and has a heart of gold I really had to question why would I reject somebody who could be my perfect man because he's lacking a few inches in the height deparment.

I understand that somepeople physically cant find a shorter person attractive and thats fair enough however I dont get why people feel the need to be nasty about my relationship. The only things my friends said when they met my boyfriend was 'god he is short' bearing in mind he comes to above my ears its not like hes not even above my shoulder. My mum told me that the realtionship wont last and sdhe wont take it seriously i cant possibly stay with him and marry him because he is shorter than me.

I just dont get this attitude why is it so wrong or frowned upon for a tall women to date a shorter man as long as they treat each other right and make each other happy thats all that should count

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