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It's the little things...

It puts me in tears to see when H takes the initiative to resolve issues that do not have anything to do with fixing our marriage.

I have gone to counseling by myself to work on me, and the only thing I asked him to do is go as well. He made an appointment, but didn't go or reschedule. But on the other hand someone (his mother) can make a simple statement about his niece needing new shoes, and he ups and buys them. She didn't even ask and she wasn't telling him with intentions for him to buy them, yet he took the initiative. Just last night his computer died, and in the back of my mind I knew he was going to replace it. This morning he calls me at work and tells me that he dropped it off at the repair shop. Almost as soon as he said that tears began to fall.

I feel like if it is something that he cares about then he has no problem trying to fix it. So if that's the case where does that leave me. It just makes it seem like I am not worth it. We have had this conversation several times, and after this morning I am really starting to see things how they really are. It's hurtful feeling like you don't matter

I'm guessing these are what you call triggers?? Any advice on how to deal is appreciated.


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