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I am dating a Muslim boy

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I have been dating him for 9 months now, we've had ups and downs in our relationships due to the usual couple drama like stupid arguments over jokes that were taken seriously etc. But we are more or less, very happy together. I am happy with him and expect a long term relationship with him...

Recently though, we've been talking about religions. And as I am Christian myself and him Muslim, we decided to learn about each others religion. I started reading about Islam and found that it is a "sin" to date non Muslim girls. This has affected me greatly, I dont want to get in any sort of trouble because of it. His parents dont know about me but my parents do and are slightly accepting. I want to talk to him about this relationship and it being classed as a sin... I love him a lot and want us to last but it looks like there are obstacles in the way. Namely, religious laws.


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