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Counter-tenor singer, (very high voice-type) male; Women's thoughts?

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I'm a singer and my voice is very high, think micheal jackson or prince, or even matt belemy from muse.

I've always wondered -not that it'd make me stop- what women think of men with very high singing voices, do they find it effeminate? do they think men with higher voices are less masculine.

I can never change my range, and it is unique and sort of rare so I'm glad with it, I love what I do and am lucky to have 3 octaves of range, the lowest part being obviously quite weak in comparison to someone who was a baritone.

Women with lower singing voices, counter-altos like amy winehouse, nina simone, janis joplin (hot stuff) wouldn't be regarded as being "manly" or something, however I think male singers who simply have higher voices like MJ or prince were often called gay or effeminate.


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