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Shall I move closer to her or leave things be?

I've known her and liked her for 4 years. I've positive the liking part is mutual due to the fact we have recently slept together and kissed.

About 2 weeks ago she messaged me telling me that her childhood friend and her were in London (my hometown) and that she was thinking a lot about me and my family.

The next day I get another telling me this "Since you haven't answered my last message I hesitated to send you this text. I just wanted to let you know that being here in London without seeing you is ****. Everyone here is called John (my name). Any way, I don't know what to say because I don't know what you think of me. I'll leave you to it, lots of kisses".

I couldn't message her back because I was very busy in the University library and didn't take my phone with me.

I told her how sorry I was for not being in London.

On a whim however I bought myself a return ticket to London as a surprise.

I got to London and she sent me a message asking me how I was and what I was doing with my day. I replied "Just chilling in my room in London"

She says "WHAAAAT?! :D" and invites me over to the hotel room she was staying at.

We spent 45 minutes talking and drinking with her childhood friend, when the friend told us she was going for a "walk".

We had sex for the next 2 hours.

The same thing happened the following day.

Anyway I got back home in the North and she sent me a long very intimate text with such things as:

"I think I cried after you left without us kissing, all I had was your smell on my cushion"

"I've been lying to my self too much about the way I really think about you, but it's to protect myself"

"I think I care about you a lot more than I thought".

She lives in Paris. What should I do?


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via Personal Recipe 2629979

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