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LD female doesn't initiate...makes HD male mad

DH and I are 34. We've been together for 13 years. We have 2 boys younger than 7 years old.

When my HD husband initiates, I go with it. I try to act excited and in to it but I guess I'm not a good actress. I'm good with sex once a month, he likes it 2-3 times a week. We have sex at least (usually) once a week.

He usually initiates it. If it's been a week and nothing has happened, I initiate it so I don't get the silent treatment. We argue monthly about sex. It's the ONLY thing wrong in our relationship.

He gets mad because I don't initiate. He gets mad because he can't find stuff that turns me on.

I get mad because nothing turns me on. I'm about to go to the OB/GYN but in the mean time....I don't want to lose him.

We recently had a nice date. He brought me to a rooftop restaurant then watched fireworks from afar. He thought that would turn me on...I loved it, I thought it was so romantic, but that didn't make me want to jump his bones. That pissed him off so he hasn't talked to me for the past week. He will talk to me about our children but there's no other side conversation or communication. I hate this.


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