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How Do You Do This?!

Hi, it's been a while since I've logged on here. Divorce was filed early January, I filed for default two weeks ago, fingers crossed that by June I'll be single. STBX doesn't live with me or anywhere near me and has admitted that he has already started dating himself (swears that he hasn't done anything physical, but after finding out the man was monitoring my online accounts I don't trust him very much).

I actually have a somewhat-date lined up next week with a guy I've been chatting with on OKC. I haven't dated since my husband, obviously, so it's been a few years. And I was obviously a couple years younger, and more...shall we say promiscuous? I didn't do dating very well. I was the kind of girl who would have sex on the first date. I'd rather not be that way this time!

How does this work? Do you hold hands on the first date? Do you greet the guy with a hug? How does a girl in her mid-20's handle a first date??


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via Personal Recipe 2629979

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