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Potentially Settling with your Girlfriend

I was dating this girl for a long time, about 6 years to give you a time reference. I started to date her after being single for about 2 years.

When I met her I was astonished at how much we had in common, similar beliefs, and I enjoy our conversations very much. I truly look forward to her hearing her opinion and value it very much. But I always had this little voice in my head suggesting I was settling because she isn't all that physically attractive to me and she was the first woman I met in a long time.

I am concerned that due to my career, I jumped into a relationship because my ability to meet women is so scarce. I worked as an electrician, then went to an all men school and got a degree in electrical engineering which now I'm working in the field as an engineer. Which if you haven't picked up on it, I work in a totally male dominated industry.

After 6 years she's all ready and excited at the prospect of marriage, which to be completely honest is something I do not want. I can't tell if I don't want to marry her or get married in general. To make matters worse I ended up meeting another woman (1st one in 6yrs, 2nd in 8yrs) which has me seriously reconsidering my life and choices in regards to dating.

I'm not 100% sold on this newer lady because I am currently seeing someone, I'm afraid to make that leap into another relationship, and I feel like jumping from one to the next diminishes the overall feel/passion of a good relationship.

I don't know where my question is but perhaps some advice or someone in a similar situation or experience can help me see the light at the end of the tunnel. This dilemma has seriously taken a toll on my overall happiness in the past couple months.

I'm worried if I don't date the one, or stay with the other I will never really have another opportunity to meet someone.

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