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HIS and HERS hurt feelings

Forgive me, I sort of rambled on and on. Hope it makes some sense.

Back ground: My husband and I are both 27 years old. We have been together since we were 17, married for just about 9 years and we have 2 kids together. We recently moved to a new state and both started new jobs. Before our move I did not work but was in school full time.

Recently my husband has been accusing me of cheating on him physically and/or emotionally. He has bee down right nasty about it. Calling me a sl**, c-word, b-word, wh*** and so on. Saying that I am looking for someone better than him and I lead men on. I have not cheated emotionally nor physically. After me asking 100's of times why he was acting this way towards me he said that he feels unimportant to me. He said he feels like I no longer love him and that I'll leave him the moment something better comes along. I took his feelings seriously. I felt bad for whatever I was doing or not doing that made him feel this way. He went through a list of things that I had done and said that caused him to feel the way he did, and I got his point. Although I did not do anything purposely to make him feel so unloved and untrusting. I do see how some of my actions would make him feel this way. I said I was truly sorry. I changed the things he had brought up and showered him with extra love , attention and basically tip-toed around his feelings.

I bent over backwards to show him how much I love (brought him lunch at work, sent him sexy loving text messages and left loving VM). Showered him with love and attention when both he and I were home from work. Most times he'd be passive aggressive toward me. Withholding affection until I almost forced it on him. Then we'd make up, make love then next the night he'd start the name calling and accusations again. He persistently texted me at work asking for all my email, Facebook passwords. When I got home he went through all my text msgs and emails. He went through all my emails while I was at work and through all my FB post and msgs. Same cycle happened every night for 3 weeks. He'd say he was sorry but only when I'd get to the point of asking him (while crying) if I should just leave him since nothing I am doing is making anything any better. He admitted that he was trying to hurt me because he was hurt.

We recently had a huge fight in front of my parents who were visiting from our home town. That seemed to be the last straw. We were both so embarrassed. And we both have said our sorrys and have been trying to get back to the way things were before and for the most part we are returning.

The issue now is, I feel so broken and hurt. I was being subjected to serious emotional abuse for 3 weeks straight. I feel so down about myself and so scared. I can't believe how he could treat me so horribly. I love him and don't want to destroy our family. I just don't know how to let my hurt feelings go. I don't understand why'd he'd choose to torture me instead of talking to me about his feelings and I am afraid it will all happen again.

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