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Ex-girlfriend has power over whether we get back together or not, what to do?!

Ok, I keep writing and deleting this but I'm just going to post it because I can't sleep! Ha. I'll probably come off sounding very pathetic but oh well!

Basically, I was in a relationship with my best friend for about a year and a half and it was pretty much all long distance (we know each other from home and go to different unis). We broke up in January and we both dealt with the split very differently. I felt ok about it all quite quickly and came out of my shell a lot more whereas she fell apart a bit and didn't deal with it very well... The opposite of what we thought would happen! I saw her again a few months later and realised just how much I miss her and I wasn't really over it and I miss her a lot. We talk to each other quite often and when we see each other we act very much like a couple, I've been to see her a couple of times at uni, but then when we're apart again things go back to 'normal'. We've discussed getting back together and she knows that that's what I want but she isn't so sure; she says she doesn't really want to be in a long distance relationship. I've asked her what the point of us even talking about i t and acting like we do if were destined to be long distance for at least another 2 years and I get the response of 'I know, but I love you and I need to think about it.' I can't really handle the uncertainty; I feel like she has all the power of the situation and I don't like that. I feel like I can't text her because then she gains more power! At the same time, I don't want to push it and ask her to make a decision and her make the decision that she doesn't want to be with me because I forced her to choose before she's ready. She says that she loves me and doesn't want to be with anyone else but she doesn't know what to do because she doesn't want to hurt me... But I can't help but feel a bit strung along which isn't that pleasant!
I haven't head from her in a few days (which is unusual) and it's just all driving me a bit crackers! I'd just kind of want to know whether to get over it or not! :/

Wow. That was long.
If you can't be bothered to read it all it basically says:

Ex girlfriend has all the power over whether we get back together or not and I don't really know how to deal with that/ reverse the situation/ anything!

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